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Mrs Hilton / Mrs Key Super Squirrels

Long Term Planning 23-24

Term - Summer 1 

Topic - Perfect Plants


How does your garden grow? Let's investigate what all these beautiful plants are called and what they need to grow healthily - is it just water and sunlight or is there something else? Let's grow some sunflowers, cress and beans in different conditions and see what happens. We have so many perfect plants growing in our school, let's be artists and draw and sketch them! We have lots of delicious vegetables growing in our school garden , let's use them to design and make a healthy wrap! Which healthy filling will you choose......?


This term we will be learning …….


Maths - We will be developing our confidence and fluency when adding and subtracting two digit numbers using our understanding of partitioning tens and ones. We will start to recognise coins and combine amounts to make a particular value.  We will be able to find ½, 1/3, ¼ and ¾ of shapes and numbers. 


English – In write stuff we will be learning how to write instructions to make a bird feeder. We will be enjoying a variety of books in guided reading sessions each week.
We will have daily handwriting sessions to reinforce correct letter formation and sizing of both lower case and upper case letters.


Phonics - We will continue using the Essential Spelling Scheme to learn about spelling rules and how to spell common exception words.


Science - We will be observing seeds and bulbs and learning all about the conditions that are needed to grow plants.


DT - We will be thinking about the different food groups and how these help us eat a healthy diet.  We will design, make and evaluate our own healthy wraps, learning how to safely prepare the food we put in our wraps.


Art – We will be leaning to use different mediums when drawing including pencils, charcoal and pastels. We will use these to complete observation drawings of plants.


Growing up Great - We will be learning all about money matters.


Music – We will be exploring improvisation, thinking about how music makes us happy.


PE - We will be learning a variety of athletics skills.


Computing - We will be finding out about presenting our ideas digitally.


RE - We will be finding out how we care for others and the world.


Forest school - We will be preparing the vegetable beds, planting seeds, thinking about what plants need to grow and looking after the plants. We will also be learning whittling. 
