Our Curriculum
Pupils benefit from a rich programme of wider activities, including arts, sports and crafts OFSTED September 2023 |
Fire lighting in Forest School
Our Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Vision
We have 5 key drivers thread through our curriculum. They are highlighted throughout all subjects.
Through collaboration with parents, governor’s, staff and children we have created a school vision that enables, us as a school, to deliver a high quality curriculum that stimulates all pupils so that they can achieve well and foster a love of reading.
We pride ourselves in our welcoming and friendly ethos where both working as a team and every individual is highly valued. Across the broad and balanced curriculum, our topics promote experiential learning both in the classroom and outdoors so that children are fully engaged in relevant and ambitious new learning. Where it is beneficial, we make connections to our local community and the area in which we live. For example, we have great connections with our local churches, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Allestree library, local shops, Mercy Care home, parents and grandparents as visitors either sharing their story or their job role, local authors, music workshops and ukulele teacher, plus taking advantage of our woodland areas and parks. We bring together our experiences and further develop our learning within our wonderful Forest School, located within the school grounds. We feel this really connects our learning to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
At Portway Infant school, it is our belief that every child is our future and thus our curriculum is deliberately designed to prepare children for their next stage of learning and to grow, flourish, be curious and realise their potential. Through effective teaching we nurture and care for each individual preparing them by immersing them in fun, challenging and creative learning that they will remember as their building blocks. This is achieved through a carefully constructed and sequential curriculum demonstrating how all children make progress at our school.
We provide a safe, happy, inclusive and caring learning environment in which all children can develop their academic, personal and social and emotional skills. Indeed, we deliberately support our children to become increasingly independent, healthy and responsible members of the school community equipped with the skills and attitudes to be lifelong learners with a commitment to building cultural capital.
We have developed partnerships within school and the wider community such as Bridge the Gap and Allestree’s Local Area Coordinator to support children’s well-being. Our pastoral team is a critical feature at Portway, our learning mentor works with children and their families offering support and advice. We show how well staff know their pupils' unique circumstances so they can learn effectively. We pride ourselves on the quality of relationships, strong partnerships, high expectations and how staff respond to the needs of specific pupils and groups. Parents are encouraged to actively share in their child’s learning and wider school life.
Our Forest School gives children the opportunity to learn through experience within a woodland setting, to develop their self-esteem and confidence in a hands-on manner. We enable them to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world, respect for each other, co-operation, motivation to learn and persevere through challenges and problem solving and opportunities to make decisions in their learning and play.
We continually evaluate our curriculum to ensure it provides progression from EYFS to the end of KS1. We have designed our curriculum to ensure it meets the needs of our children and that lessons are sequential to help children build upon what they have learnt in each lesson. We have clear building blocks that build upon children’s prior knowledge, vocabulary acquisition and what they need to know and remember in preparation for their next phase. This is monitored by subject leaders with an emphasis on how children make progress through the knowledge and skills they are taught to support children to know more and remember more over time.
Long Term Plans
Subject | Subject Leader |
Assessment and Data | Lisa McSherry |
Curriculum | Hayley Anderson |
Inclusion Lead (SEN PP EAL Equality) | Andrea Phillippe |
English | Amy Broad |
Phonics | Hayley Anderson |
Maths | Kate Brown |
Science | Abigail Hughes |
Computing | Kate Brown |
Geography | Emily Moore |
History | Amy Broad |
Design and Technology | Abigail Hughes |
Religious Education | Emily Moore |
Music | Andrea Phillippe |
Art | Claire Stockwell |
Personal, Social, Health and Education | Claire Stockwell |
Relationships and Sex Education | Laura Spensley |
Physical Education | Laura Spensley |
Senior Mental Health Lead/School Council | Emma Wood |
Early Years Foundation Stage | Hayley Anderson |
Key Stage One Lead | Amy Broad |
Forest School/Eco School | Minna Walters |