Mental Health and Wellbeing
Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Miss Kate Brown. She has been fully trained using funding from the DFE that is allocated to schools if they wish to make this an important part of their ethos, which we certainly do!
Miss Brown has done a whole school audit of our provision, alongside input from staff and has created an action plan of areas we need to hone in the coming years.
To support our Senior Mental Health Lead, the Headteacher, Wellbeing Governor and Learning Mentor have signed up to a series of workshops run by the Virtual School and Derby County Community Trust - Behaviour - is there another way? The launch was based around the book The Kindness Principle by David Shepard and it was very inspiring, we are excited to learn about ways we can help our children regulate so they can fulfil their potential.
The Headteacher and Learning mentor are currently undertaking a series of workshops ‘Relational, Attachment and Trauma Informed Classrooms - The Value for all Children’
Our Learning Mentor Miss Emma Wood supports our children and their families daily with a range of issues and concerns, she has built a rapport with the children and they love going to the Rainbow Room with her to do activities. These may be to help get children opening up about any worries they have or indeed to do a specific programme to help with particular issues. Miss Wood also supports families with anything and everything they may need, she is relentless in her pursuit to get our families the right support.
Our Learning Mentor is also undertaking Inclusion Charter training run by Derby County Community Trust, as a charter school we will have access to high quality resources to help our children and staff.
We are heavily invested in Mental Health and Wellbeing as a staff as we know that children who feel safe, secure and loved will flourish. We know that if colleagues feel valued and supported they will be happy at work. We know that parents who feel listened to, supported and shown kindness will feel part of the whole school community. We are so passionate about this and it is certainly one of our strengths!