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Portway Infant School

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SEND and Inclusion

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are effectively supported by well
trained adults.

OFSTED September 2023


As a school we comply with expectations of the SEND Code of Practice and Disability Discrimination Act as shown in our policies below.

Children are recognised as individuals, with abilities and development needs which will vary across the curriculum. Class teachers and support staff are able to identify individual development requirements, and to provide lessons and activities which ensure good progress for pupils at all levels of ability.

Our special educational needs information report gives more information on how we support children with Special Education Needs in our school. 

If you have questions regarding SEND at our school, please contact the special educational needs co-ordinator, Mrs. Andrea Phillippe



Local Offer

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer is a free and impartial online directory and information hub provided by the local authority. The purpose of the Local Offer is to hold information of services and provisions that are available to local residents.

  • If you live in Derby City, click here to view the Derby City local offer.
  • If you live in Derbyshire, click here to view the Derbyshire local offer.

SEND Information Report for parents

SEND support for parents and carers
