Recommended reading for the green zone
The Way I Feel - by Janan Cain || Kids Book Read Aloud
Sad...happy...angry...excited! We all have so many emotions! How are YOU feeling today? Click here to hold this book in your hands: ⇨ Don't forget to support the authors and illustrators of these wonderful books: buy from your local bookstore, or borrow from your library!
📖Kids Book Read Aloud: The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires: A Growth Mindset Book
Have you ever tried to create something special and it just didn't work out? Come read with me as we find out what happens when you set out to make the most magnificent thing. #kidsbookreadaloud #growthmindset #themostmagnificentthing
I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont - Read aloud with music in HD full screen!
What is there to like about yourself? Many things! Follow along this inspirational children's book, "I Like Myself" with lively sound effects and music! Great book for children of all ages about self-confidence and liking oneself! 📚 If you LIKE this book, buy it on Amazon here: Your purchase supports the author, illustrator, and our channel!
The Color Monster - Read Aloud by Mr. Joshua Brooks
"The Color Monster" by Anna Llenas Narrated by Mr. Joshua Brooks *I do not own any rights to this book* If you enjoy my read alouds, please like and subscribe! MORE FROM MR. BROOKS! The Crayon Box That Talked Grumpy Monkey Dragons Love Tacos
📖 🥺 A Little Spot of Sadness By Diane Alber READ ALOUD
🗣️ 📖 *** This book is read with permission from @ALittleSpot *** Thank you Ms. Artieri for requesting this read aloud for her classroom ================================== 🥺 A Little Spot of Sadness 📖 Written and Illustrated by Diane Alber 🎤 Read aloud by Mama, Alexi and Arie Moomi Recommended Ages: 5+ 🌟 This book shows how to manage sadness by recognizing how and when it manifests.