Zones of Regulation
Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorized into four coloured zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.
Zones of regulation
Exploring the zones
Further information on zones of regulation
Breathing techniques can help us to regulate our emotions. Click on the videos below to do some breathing techniques at home.
Seasonal Mindfulness Autumn
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-07-22.
Mindfulness Daily Positives
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Mindfulness pin wheel
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-12.
Mindfulness; Rainy One Minute Mindfulness
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-18.
Mindfulness ocean breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-08.
Uploaded by None on 2020-07-02.
Mindfulness tense and release
Mindfulness Mountain Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-29.
Mindfulness 5-4-3-2-1
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-28.
Mindfulness: Mrs Key's Rabbit Millie
Use all your senses, listen to the noises, look at what's happening, how do you think Millie feels?
Mindfulness Pineapple crown
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-27.
Mindfulness: The Shell guided session
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-29.
Mindfulness Body Scan
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Uploaded by None on 2020-05-07.
Mindfulness Bubble Blowing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-02.
Mindfulness Weather Report
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-19.
Mindfulness Guided Session Loving Your Body
Written by Mellissa Dormoy Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Mindfulness Guided Session: The lakeside
Written by Mellissa Dormoy Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Uploaded by None on 2020-04-22.
The Inner Kingdom: Written by Melissa Dormoy found at ShambalaKids. Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Duck mindfulness
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-05.
Mindfulness; Buddy breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-04.
Mindfulness guided session: understanding anger
Understanding Anger Written by Melissa Dormoy found at ShambalaKids. Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Mindfulness Darth Vader breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-14.
Written by Melissa Dormoy and found at ShambalaKids. Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Mindfulness Tumble Dryer Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Mindfulness Guided Session: The Beach
Mindfulness guided session: The happy heart
The Happy heart: Written by Melissa Dormoy found at ShambalaKids. Fair Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Mindfulness scavenger hunt
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Mindfulness Feather Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Mindfulness: Dragon Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-23.
Mindfulness finger breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Seasonal Mindfulness Spring
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-07-22.
Mindfulness Dandelion Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Mindfulness Leaf Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-30.
Seasonal Mindfulness Summer
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-07-22.
Mental Health Awareness: My Happy place
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-19.
Mental Health Awareness: How to be a bucket filler
Idea from Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids written by Carol McCloud Use Act - 17 U.S.C.
Finger Breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Mental Health Awareness getting out in nature
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-21.
Mental Health treasure hunt
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-18.
Rainbow breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-03-31.
Mindful senses
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Mindful Rainbow Treasure Hunt
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-04.
Mindful shapes
One minute mindfulness video 3
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-06-03.
Mindfulness: Fin breathing
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Mindfulness: buttons
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-04-20.
Seasonal Mindfulness Winter
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-07-22.
Uploaded by None on 2020-06-22.
Mindfulness sound game
Uploaded by Portway_Infant_School on 2020-05-06.