Physical Education
Our Vision Statement for PE and School Sport at Portway Infant School
P.E. at Portway Infant School promotes healthy, active lifestyles. We provide a PE curriculum that immerses pupils in learning that is memorable, engaging and meaningful. Children will experience a high standard of PE which will help them to develop their relevant knowledge, skills, values and attitudes used throughout the wider curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum and use gymnastics, dance, games and fitness and encourage the children to work individually or collaboratively, with a strong emphasis on enjoyment that supports our children’s personal development ready for their next stage of learning journey. Children of all abilities are given a chance to shine through creativity, teamwork and an enjoyment of being active.
We achieve our vision throughout the year by following these units of learning:
Autumn 1 Fundamental Skills
Autumn 2 Dance and Fitness
Spring 1 Gymnastics and Yoga
Spring 2 Fundamental skills - invasion games
Summer 1 Fundamental skills - striking and fielding
Summer 2 Athletics
As part of our Forest School curriculum, we teach Outdoor and Adventurous Activities and Team-building Games in addition to our PE lessons.
Curriculum Map
PE, School Sport and Physical Education Provision in school and Out of Hours School Clubs
Being Active