Our Vision
At Portway Infant School we aim to inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world they live in. We will teach them knowledge about places, people, human and physical environments and processes and the skills required to take part in local fieldwork.
Through our Geography Curriculum our intention is for our children to:
Develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their immediate locality
Use geographical skills of first hand observations and experiences to develop their awareness and understanding of the world
Understand and use vocabulary relating to geography throughout our geography curriculum
Use our enabling environment to support our Geography Curriculum. This includes our Forest School, outdoor classroom and expansive grounds
Use geography specific resources of world maps, atlases, globes, aerial photographs and maps
Enjoy high quality books to support learning in geography and understanding the world
Please click on our Progressive Curriculum Map below to find out about the topics and content that our children enjoy. This clearly shows how we build upon previous skills to ensure our lessons and the children's learning and developments of their skills and knowledge are taught sequentially.
Our Foundation Stage Children in Reception Classes learn Geographical skills and knowledge within the learning area of 'Understanding the World'.
In KS1 our children learn to name and identify the Countries in the UK and their Capital Cities, the 7 Continents and the 5 Oceans. We sing fun songs to help with this that our children love to sing both at home and at school. Please follow the links at the bottom of the page to share our songs. I'm sure you will love how catchy they are!
We begin simple map making and look at geographical features. In Year 2 children compare their locality with that of a locality in another part of the world. They use their first hand experiences of our Forest School and compare them to a Rainforest.
Throughout Portway we continuously strive to develop children's early speech, language and communication skills in all areas. In Geography we do this by developing their geographical language and technical terminology through teaching and revisiting specific chosen vocabulary throughout each year group.
We are incredibly lucky to have extensive school grounds and a wonderful immediate locality surrounding our school which we love using. We are currently exploring how we can use this even more than we already do for our budding Geographers.
We love revising and revisiting our learning at the beginning of our lessons to ensure our knowledge and skills continue to 'stick and develop'.
For further more detailed information please contact Mrs Claire Stockwell (Geography Lead Teacher)