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Portway Infant School

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Resilient Robins Mrs Hughes and Mrs Stockwell'

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday, so children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days.

We go to Forest School on a Wednesday morning, so children need to wear PE kit on that day too and bring in wellies and suitable clothing for outside such as gloves and hats, as we go whatever the weather.

On those days, please also ensure that if your child has long hair it is tied up and any earrings are taken out.

Long Term Planning

Our long term plan shows a brief overview of what is being taught throughout the year.


Spring 2 

Bustling Cities



Learning about the Great Fire of London.



Learning the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom; using maps; looking at geographical similarities and differences between the capital city of England, London and the capital city of Zambia, Lusaka.



Learning about animals including humans.


Design & Technology

Constructing a moving model of the London Eye; recreating Pudding Lane from cardboard boxes; designing and making souvenirs.



Writing a simple program to direct a BeeBot around London landmarks.



Singing traditional songs and nursery rhymes, such as London’s Burning and Oranges and Lemons.

Spring 1 

Boom! Pow! Shazam!


Through our topic work this half term we will be ……. 


Design & Technology:  We will be designing, making and evaluating delicious nutritional smoothies fit for a superhero.  


History: Listening to the stories of a real-life historical ‘superhero’,Florence NightingaleWe will be finding out what she did to make things better for others and discussing why she is a real-life superhero. We will be making a timeline of her life.  


Geography: We will be going on a superhero hunt using directional language and following a map around school grounds to find all the superheroes.  


Growing up great (PSHE): We will be exploring emotions.  


Music: We will continue to follow the Charanga scheme of work.  


RE: We will be looking at what it mean to belong to a faith community specifically  

Christianity and Judaism.  


English: We will be exploring the story of the Storm Whale through Write Stuff. We will continue with 5a phonics moving onto 5b. Handwriting will continue and guided reading sessions will continue weekly.  


Maths: We will be exploring a whole range of mathematical concepts such as  

addition & subtraction, geometry – properties of Shape, geometry – position & direction, counting strategies and numbers as words.  

Autumn 2 

Brazilian Carnival 

Please find below some information about your child’s learning this half term,
Through our topic work this term we will be learning …….

Art: Exploring the colours and pencil lines of the artists Bridget Riley, Wassily
Kandinsky, Zaria Foreman and painting some festival scenes using colour mixing.

Geography: Learning where Brazil is by reminding ourselves about the seven
continents of the world and finding out about the human and physical features of the
capital city of Brazil, Brasilia. We will compare Brazilia to Derby and Allestree.

Music: Listening to the music of Brazil, playing along to samba music with
percussion instruments; explore a range of percussion instruments, considering the
different sounds they make; listening to the Brazilian national anthem and
considering how this makes us feel; using our voices expressively and creatively by
singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.We will also create our own
percussion instruments so please get collecting junk modelling items for us!

English: In Write Stuff we will be writing some firework poems and writing dictated
sentences using all of the learning we have learnt so far.

Maths: We will continue to work on the portioning of numbers to 100

Term: Autumn 1 2024 

Topic: Life as a child 

In the Childhood project, children will learn words and phrases related to the passage of time. They will explore artefacts to help them to understand childhood in the past and how childhood has changed over time. They will explore the six stages of life and explore timelines and family trees. Everyday life in the 1950s will be explored, including shopping, transport, family life and childhood. The children will use maps to explore how places have changed over time and highlight any similarities or differences between childhood today and childhood in the 1950s.

Through our topic work this term we will be ……. 


Maths - We will be  taking part in a variety of Mastering Number lessons. We will be learning about missing numbers on a number line. We will find out what tens and ones are and will be looking at one more and one less for numbers to 50. 


English - We will be starting a new Write Stuff unit called 'How to help your teacher' based on the book of the same name.   We will be recapping phase 4 sounds in phonics and reading books within this phase in guided reading.


History: Using historical vocabulary related to the passing of time; ordering events on a timeline; comparing everyday life and childhood in the 1950s with life now; studying historical artefacts.


Geography: We will be learning how to describe how a place or geographical feature has changed over time. We will learn the difference between physical and human features of places. We will create an imaginary map of a place and will include human and physical features. 


Science: naming the four seasons and making simple observations about changes across the seasons.; naming different types of weather and describing the weather associated which each season; making observations about the weather; collecting and recording simple data.


PSHE: Settling in : Ready Respectful Safe  


Design & Technology: Designing, constructing and evaluating a windmill.
