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Miss Spensley and Mrs Phillippe Brilliant Badgers

Long Term Plan 23-24

Forest school and PE

Forest School will be on a Wednesday afternoon. Our PE days are Monday and Friday.

Term -  Spring 1

Topic - Amazing Africa


Let’s explore the continent of Africa and in particular, Kenya

Where is it in the World?

What is the weather and landscape like?

How does it compare to England?

Where would we prefer to live and why?

Let's create a beautiful African sunset picture using our colour mixing skills.


This term we will be learning …….


Maths - We are developing our confidence and fluency when multiplying and dividing numbers in terms of 'lots of and groups of' and we will apply our understanding when solving multiplication and division problems. We will start to recall times tables and division facts, particularly for x 2, x5 and x10 tables. 


English - We will be completing our write stuff block based on the book 'The Day The Crayons Quit'. We will find out about the features of letter writing.

We will be enjoying a variety of books in guided reading sessions each week.

We will have daily handwriting sessions to reinforce our letter formation and sizing.


Spelling - We will using the Essential Spelling Scheme to learn about spelling rules and how to spell common exception words.


Science - We will be focussing on animals including humans and learning about survival and different types of offspring.


Art - We will look at different types of African art and learn techniques for colour mixing. Then we will produce an African sunset picture using our colour mixing skills.

Geography- We will be recap the five oceans and the Seven continents of the World and locate the North and South Pole and the equator. Then we will find out about Kenya-its location, weather and landscape, make comparisons with England and decide where we would prefer to live, giving reasons.


Growing up Great - We will be learning all about changes.


Music - We will have lots of fun learning about playing in an orchestra.


PE - We will be developing our gymnastic skills, both on the floor and on apparatus.


Computing - We will be finding out about spreadsheets.


RE - We will be finding out about sacred books and what we can learn from them.


Forest school - We will be learning survival skills including making sparks with flint, fire lighting and campfire cooking.

Term - Autumn 2

Topic - Awesome Allestree


Let's explore the UK, finding out the names of the four countries and the surrounding seas. We'll find out where the capital cities are and where Derby is on a map. Let's explore our local community, looking at human and physical features of Allestree. Let's find out how school has changed since our mums, Dads, Grandmas and Grandads were young. Maybe someone in your family used to come to Portway?


This term we will be learning...


Maths -

We are developing our confidence and fluency when adding and subtracting numbers within 10. We are then going to learn to solve addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers and multiplication problems.


English - 

We will be completing our write stuff block based on 'My Christmas Star'. We will find out about the features of writing a narrative and writing our own narrative by changing an aspect of the story. We will have daily handwriting as part of our write stuff lessons to reinforce our letter formation. We will be enjoying a variety of books in guided reading sessions each week.


Spelling – We will be continuing our work on Essential Spelling. This helps us learn the spelling rules which we then apply in all our writing.


Science - We will be observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.


History – We will learn about what schools were like 100 years ago and compare them to schools in the present day. A grandparent will visit to talk about their school memories.


Geography- We will be learning about the four countries of the UK, their capital cities and the surrounding seas and where they and Allestree are located on a map. We will be walking around Allestree finding out what it is like and how it can be improved. We will carry out a traffic survey.


Growing up Great – We will be learning all about ourselves and drugs education.


Music – We will have lots of fun learning about playing in an orchestra and we will be learning Christmas songs for our nativity.


PE - We will be devising our own dances and keeping fit. Our PE days are Monday and Friday.


Computing - We will be learning about coding.


RE - We will be finding out about Muslims and what they believe and learning about Mosques.


Forest school - We will learn about den building and survival. Forest School will be on a Wednesday afternoon.

Term - Autumn 1

Topic - All Aboard!


Let’s dress as a pirate and experience some of the jobs on board a ship.

Learn how to sew so you can design and make your own pirate pouch. How many gold doubloons will it hold?

Let’s find out about some famous explorers.

When were they alive?

Where did the explore?

Why are they famous?


This term we will be learning...


Maths - We are deepening our understanding of numbers ten to one hundred. We will represent numbers in different ways, add and subtract multiples of ten, partition numbers into tens and ones, compare numbers and position numbers on number lines and hundred squares. We will be adding and subtracting numbers within twenty, including adding three single-digit numbers.


English - We will be completing a write stuff block based on the story 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers. We will use this to help us write our own adventure story. We will be enjoying a variety of books in guided reading sessions each week.

We will have daily handwriting sessions to reinforce our letter formation and sizing.


Phonics – We will be mastering phase 5 phonics through Unlocking Letters and Sounds.


Science - We will be focussing on the uses of everyday materials. Exploring their suitability and how they can be changed.


DT - We will learn how to sew using running stitch. We will design and make our own pirate pouches and will test them using gold doubloons.

History – Will find out what an explorer is and will learn about Christopher Columbus, Matthew Henson, Dame Ellen MacArthur and Mary Kingsley. We will find out when each of them lived, where they explored and why they are famous.


Growing up Great – We will be settling into our new class, thinking about how to be a good friend and how to follow the school’s golden rules.


Music – We will be learning all about pulse, rhythm and pitch.


PE - We will be developing our fundamental movement skills to improve agility, balance and co-ordination. Our PE days are Monday and Friday.


Computing - We will be learning about online safety and starting to learn about coding.


RE - We will be finding out about Christians and what they believe.


Forest school - We will be identifying plants, looking at trees and the change to autumn colours and creating natural art. Forest School will be on a Wednesday afternoon.

